Wednesday, December 27, 2006

A Dwnny sighting on Kausfiles Special

This is not a post about Tempo. But Dwnny is a partner of Tempo and NightlyDrunk, and he is infamous for his repeated plagiarisms.

Word on the Slate is that BOTF has a quiet pool running, picking the date that Geoff will put the kibosh on Mr. There-Is-No-Such-Thing-As-Intellectual-Property. I'd like to get in on that action.


Anonymous said...

If Denny actually believed that "there is no such thing as intellectual property," then he wouldn't claim to be the author of the scores stolen poems and essays he's posted over the years.

I (like many, many other fraysters) can attest personally to having asked him, directly, "who wrote this?" And he has responded. "I am the author," or "I wrote this."

Poet Master said...

That's an excellent point, Kitten. The next time he attempts to defend plagiarism, you should rebut with that information.

The next time he plagiarizes, let me know and I will post it here.

Anonymous said...

For Denny there will always be a next time.