Monday, February 12, 2007

Alas, I am no longer popular.

For a month or more we were visited by 30 different readers every day. Sometimes as many as 100 different IP-s showed up on the sitemeter.

But for 3 weeks, TINHP only has 3 visits a day=Tempo, Lilith, and someone from Oregon. No one writes. No one calls. I think Tempo is just too boring a subject anymore.

I've even looked for Tempo myself. I don't see her. Maybe she finally found a life.

Now that the entire blogosphere has learned that there is no Heartstorm Press, and now that Tempo has ruined herself and reputation on the Slate Fray, I find myself bored with this blog.

I think that I will leave it for history.

A note: We have moved There is no Heartstorm Press to Blogger 2, and our PR has suddenly risen to 1. I have seen other blogs lose ratings. CatNapping's blog for example has slumped from 6 to a 4. Maybe Blogger 2 is still in Beta after all.

TTFN, mes amis absents.


catnapping said...

I've visited your blog from time to time. But yeah, Tempo's not the sort of person to keep anyone's interest for long.

I think you should keep it just so's when someone googles "heartstorm press" they'll at least find something. ROFL

I wasn't aware that my blog made 6. The last time I looked before switching to beta, it was a 5. But I was forced to switch...and I was using the Missoula Library Computer when I did it. They don't have the google bar, and won't allow I hadn't seen my google rating since the end of December. Nice to know it made it to 6.

I think it has something to do with who has you linked. Odd Neighbor was featured for a week at Illustration Friday, and that's probably what sent the number up for a bit..

Anonymous said...

Trust me, catcunt, LILLITH hasn't visited this moronic site in nearly a year, bitch. I know, because it's ME. I just came here tonight because I received an e-mail, and what do I find? YOU with your bullshit again. You are a fucking head case, and I'm glad your fucking husband is deceased...he's in a much better place. I'm confident his life was utter HELL living with you, you abusive twat.

Now, go burn some fucking shit and do an incantation. Pray to your ancestors to grant you sanity and decency.

Oh, and guess what? You NEVER got the hits you claim. People are bored with your hijinks, Hiawatha, nothing more.

Thank God you didn't breed. You didn't breed, did you? That's something for which you can thank your tribal ancestors, Becky -- no more BECKY DNA in the world. lol

Poet Master said...

LILLITH what a hardon you have for CatNapping. You still visit TINHP every day and your pornographic messages are entertaining but unsuitable.

I reject all of them but I think the world should see what kind of mind you have and how insane you are.

If you hope to get CN's attention try another address. CN's IP hasn't been seen at TINHP for a week.

Poet Master said...

DragonTat2 is anxious to assure me that she is not LILLITH. Odd, that.

Anonymous said...

Tempo is back to her old stalking habits. Poor Dall-ASS.