Saturday, July 07, 2007

We Have Arrived

Avenging Angel has mentioned our blog on the Fray.

After reading about your activities on the blog called There Is No Heartstorm Press - but there IS a Kinkos, URL available upon request, I'm amazed you'd dare cast a stone at a simple -- and I might add CIVIL -- response to an insulting toppost that was written in poison and aimed at me and at fellow serious posters.

An entire blog devoted all to you -- contributed to by a multitude of posters -- WOW. I stand in awe. And it's been thriving for going on two years now -- all based on terrible things you've done to people on The Fray. That's really an accomplishment. How do you get so many people to despise you and not be in politics, Tempo?


Disclaimer: Three Fray contributors and an occasional email from
CatNapping is not a multitude, even if two of them used to wear a star.

1 comment:

Ghostings said...

Isn't your work finished? Tempo's reputation is in shreds. And according to you, that's due to your mean-spirited blog. Your expository venture did play some small part, but in reality Diane did it to herself. The credit is not all yours.

We've taken a vote. It's time for you to close shop. By all means, leave the place as it is, but lock the door and put the key in a safe place.

If you persist in making new entries, you'll make it appear that Tempo's existence holds some importance to the BOTF. Why tease her like that?