Friday, August 25, 2006

O Canada, O Tempo

Received an "anonymous" email from Canada this afternoon-

"Smelly Melly and NightlyDrunk have been banned from the fray AGAIN."

Ouch that's godda hurt. 'Tis true, NightlyDrunk is used to being banned. She has hundreds of fray nics that she can no longer access. But Tempo! Can she bear it?

A lesson ladies.

• If you're going to attack posters, stick to those on the freditor's shit list. [But bear in mind, this is Geoff, not Kevin. Geoff has principles. He won't tolerate attacks even on the weak.]

• Don't post if you're drunk. That wasn't even cute the first time, N.

Update: NightlyDrunk already has a new nic. The Nightengale (sic) nic has joined her other banned nics.

DOD update: Tempo has another nic.

Another NightlyDrunk Update! As per her usual MO, NightlyDrunk has alternate nics on the fray. Her latest - IchabodCranium. And per Tempo's emailed instructions, she has "graciously" asked Geoff to checkmark N.

And a reminder to the ever-so-polite crew at Poems - There is still no Heartstorm Press. Why do none of you ask Tempo why she insists on claiming to be published?


Anonymous said...

How many nics does this make for Tempo? I count at least 5. And none of them can write poetry.

Anonymous said...

An email attack is in progress. I have a copy of an email from Catnapping. It is faked. The email address is bogus.

Ted Burke and ColoPoete have alot to answer for.

Catnapping said...


I know that Ted Burke has been deliberately lying about me on the fray, claiming that I was Potempkin, Katydont, and now Cheshire cat...but I REALLY don't think he would go so far as to forge something, and then say it was from me.

I think that Tempo/Melly/Alessandra and Nightengale/LAM/LeeMadison are doing this. (And I wouldn't be surpised to learn that Lilith is helping them.) Ted is just willing to play along.

Anonymous said...

Cat, the person who made up that phony email is from California. She has a hotmail address.

If you have a disposable email address for me I will forward you the information. I think you should report all of them as abuse.

Catnapping said...


go ahead and write to:

Anonymous said...

And please be sure to include all headers so I can trace the IP.

Anonymous said...

I forgot I had this...

Tempo La Spammer

Poet Master said...

The email is most suspicious because the address is invalid. I believe they forged the whole mail and *forward* it to implicate you. Take a close look at *your* address. It's spelled incorrectly. If it had been generated by your account, it would be a valid address.